An image displaying the text "punctuation marks"
English Language

How to Improve Your Writing with Proper Punctuation

Est. reading time: 4 minutes  Punctuation marks are a set of symbols that indicate a pause or an emphasis. They separate or link sentences and clarify the meaning of a text—punctuation marks aid in expressing the structure and tone of a sentence or a piece of writing. Types of Punctuation Marks The English language makes use of several punctuation […]

Picture of a glasses on an English notebook
English Language

How to Choose the Right Form of Verbs

Est. reading time: 5 minutesDeciding the verb form to use in a sentence is one of the most difficult decisions to make in English. Verb forms are like different outfits for verbs. They show us when or how something is happening. Imagine a verb like “walk.” The root verb (or base form), like the everyday outfit, is just “walk.”

English Language

Common Mistakes In English Language

Est. reading time: 4 minutesHave you ever been in that situation where you’re randomly writing a sentence and all of a sudden you can’t seem to remember the right spelling of a word? Or maybe you’re typing and autocorrect changes the spelling of a word you once thought was right? It can be annoying. In this article, I’ll be

An open book with a pen
English Language

Active and Passive Voices: Examples and Differences

Est. reading time: 7 minutesSentence structuring is an essential part of the English language, and a lot of elements go into that, one of which is the active and passive voice. The beauty of sentences is that words can be used to form them in different ways while retaining the same meaning. However, this is dependent on whether the

English Language

Pronouns: Saving Us From Repetitions

Est. reading time: 4 minutesIn this section of our Parts of Speech series, we shall be considering pronouns. Pronouns are words that function in sentences as substitutions or replacements for nouns. The use of pronouns makes it possible to avoid repeating a noun more than once. They substitute for nouns in sentences when the listener or reader is aware

An image of a page of an English dictionary
English Language

How to Use Appositives and Positive Phrases in Writing

Est. reading time: 2 minutesFrom the emergence of pictographic writing around 40,000 BC to digital writing, the primary purpose of writing has always been clear communication. Whether you’re writing a story, an essay, or even a simple email, making sure your message is understood is what matters most. That’s where appositives and positive phrases come in. Let’s consider how

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