Author name: Temiloluwa Ala

English Language

Understanding Articles in English Grammar

Est. reading time: 3 minutesImagine a toy shop with many dog-themed toys and only one cat-themed toy. When you refer to the cat-themed toy, you would say ‘the’ cat-themed toy because it is the only one. If you wanted one of the dog-themed toys, you would use ‘a’ dog-themed toy because there are many to choose from. Articles are […]

Picture of a glasses on an English notebook
English Language

How to Choose the Right Form of Verbs

Est. reading time: 5 minutesDeciding the verb form to use in a sentence is one of the most difficult decisions to make in English. Verb forms are like different outfits for verbs. They show us when or how something is happening. Imagine a verb like “walk.” The root verb (or base form), like the everyday outfit, is just “walk.”

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