Author name: Oluwadamilola Ojo

Similes and Metaphors; Using Comparison To Improve Your Writing.
English Language

Simile and Metaphors: Using Comparisons to Improve Your Writing

Est. reading time: 4 minutes As explained in our introductory article on figures of speech, figures of speech are expressions that convey a particular meaning or piece of information. Among the figures of speech, simile and metaphor are used to make comparisons. They are both used to comparing two things that are unlike each other. They promote better communication, vivid […]

Introduction to figures of speech
English Language

Introduction To Figures Of Speech

Est. reading time: 3 minutes A figure of speech is an expression that conveys a particular meaning or piece of information. They compare and contrast ideas, concepts or things. Figures of speech convey a clearer mental picture for understanding information. Although we may still be familiar with the basic figures of speech that we learned in the past, such as

Interjection: the emotion language
English Language

Interjection: The Emotion Language

Est. reading time: 3 minutes In this part of our series on parts of speech, I will be talking about interjections. An interjection is a part of speech that consists of words or phrases that express feelings or emotions. Interjection in British English is pronounced as in-tuh-jek-shuhn.  The Oxford Dictionary defines interjection as “a short sound, word, or phrase spoken

English Language

Rules Guiding Contractions In Grammar

Est. reading time: 4 minutes A contraction is simply a word that is formed by combining two words or by shortening or omitting a word or phrase. They are also called short forms and are formed with the use of an apostrophe. The apostrophe, also known as contractive apostrophe, is placed where the missing letter should be. Contractions are used

English Language

Adjectives: What You Need to Know

Est. reading time: 5 minutes An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun. The Oxford Dictionary describes an adjective as a “word naming an attribute of a noun.” It describes the qualities of something or someone. Adjectives, when used in communication, provide specific information about people, places, things, and animals, that gives a reader or listener a

An image displaying the text "punctuation marks"
English Language

How to Improve Your Writing with Proper Punctuation

Est. reading time: 4 minutes   Punctuation marks are a set of symbols that indicate a pause or an emphasis. They separate or link sentences and clarify the meaning of a text—punctuation marks aid in expressing the structure and tone of a sentence or a piece of writing. Types of Punctuation Marks The English language makes use of several punctuation

English Language

Common Mistakes In English Language

Est. reading time: 4 minutes Have you ever been in that situation where you’re randomly writing a sentence and all of a sudden you can’t seem to remember the right spelling of a word? Or maybe you’re typing and autocorrect changes the spelling of a word you once thought was right? It can be annoying. In this article, I’ll be

English Language

Pronouns: Saving Us From Repetitions

Est. reading time: 4 minutes In this section of our Parts of Speech series, we shall be considering pronouns. Pronouns are words that function in sentences as substitutions or replacements for nouns. The use of pronouns makes it possible to avoid repeating a noun more than once. They substitute for nouns in sentences when the listener or reader is aware

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